Making Up Waived & Excused Requirements
Every student is allowed to have one low pset score dropped if they
submit makeup work described below. The three dropped class
participation grades need not be made up. Additional work or classes
that gets excused for legitimate reasons such as illness, unavoidable
professional conflicts or out of town varsity competitions, must also
be made up.
Note that pset solutions are posted shortly after they are due, and
extensions for late submissions are not allowed once
solutions have been posted.
Makeup Procedures
The same makeup procedure (described below) applies for psets and the
fourth and later class participation scores.
Students should arrange makeups with their team
coaches. Makeups for excused classes beyond three and for
PSets are expected within about a week after scores are released.
Extensions beyond a week can be approved by team coaches, but coaches
have been instructed not to allow open-ended makeup submission.
Writeups that do not reflect reasonable attention to the material
being made up will be returned to students for further work. When
satisfactory makeup work has been completed, coaches will notify the
Gradesmaster to drop the low grade.
Participation Makeup.
This should consist of a
written commentary (see below) on the day's class material that
reflects an engagement comparable to that required to prepare
for, and participate in, class. A commentary of one or two
pages reflecting 2 to 2.5 hours work would be typical.
PSet Makeup.
A commentary of two or three pages
reflecting 2.5 to 3.5 hours work would be typical for a missed
pset. Students may also do makeup for a submitted pset whose
grade is the one they want dropped; in this case they need only
make up the parts that lost points.
Makeup Commentary Guidelines
The student should should review the problems and solutions. It is
generally not useful for a student simply
to write up their own attempt at solutions. Instead, they should
indicate, for example, if they:
- believe they would have solved the problem on their own,
outlining their approach and including a commentary on how it
compares to the given solution,
- learned something they didn't quite know (indicate what),
- remain uncertain about the solution, indicating the uncertainty
as specifically as they can,
- think the problem highlighted an important concept---or, to
the contrary, hinged on just a technicality, briefly explaining
why they think so,
- think the problem was too hard/long/easy for its place on a
class problem/pset/exam, briefly explaining why they think
- can suggest an improved version of the problem or soln, OR
- can suggest an alternative version for future use.
Lateness Policy
If a student comes to class 15 to 45 minutes late (without prior
warning and excuse), they can expect a participation grade of at most
1. Grade will be 0 for more than 45 min lateness.
Repeated lateness of any kind is not consistent with a team-study
based class like 6.042. A preceding class being "far away" or
running overtime are not acceptable excuses. In these
circumstances, students should notify the instructor of the
preceding class at the start of that class that they have to leave
precisely on time (which by Institute rules, is 5 min before the
hour or half-hour) in order to get to 6.042. They can explain to
that instructor that 6.042 has required attendance and penalties
for lateness.
Students should consult with their coach or an instructor to have a
lateness excused.
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